Articles by "Luis Miguel"
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In the realm of Latin pop music, Luis Miguel stands as a towering figure, his voice captivating audiences with its soulful melodies and heartfelt lyrics. His 1987 single "Ahora te puedes marchar" (English translation: "Now You Can Leave") is a timeless ballad of heartbreak and acceptance, showcasing his artistry and his ability to evoke deep emotions through his music.

The song opens with a poignant melody, a blend of traditional bolero rhythms and modern pop influences, immediately setting the stage for an emotionally charged listening experience. Luis Miguel's vocals, filled with raw emotion and vulnerability, deliver the lyrics with conviction, painting a vivid picture of a love that has lost its spark and is slowly fading away.

The lyrics of "Ahora te puedes marchar" delve into the depths of heartbreak, exploring themes of betrayal, unrequited love, and the realization that sometimes love is not meant to last. Luis Miguel sings about the pain of letting go, the lingering hope of reconciliation, and the acceptance that sometimes the best course of action is to move on.

The chorus of the song is a powerful declaration of acceptance and the strength to move on: "Si no supiste amar, ahora te puedes marchar, alejate de mi, no hay nada más que hablar" (English translation: "If you didn't know how to love, now you can leave, get away from me, there's nothing else to talk about"). These lines capture the essence of the song's message, highlighting the importance of self-worth and the ability to let go of relationships that no longer serve one's well-being.

The music video for "Ahora te puedes marchar" perfectly complements the song's emotional depth and message of acceptance. Directed by Emilio Aragón, the video features Luis Miguel performing the song in a series of intimate and introspective scenes. He is seen walking through a deserted city, reflecting on the past and the realization that it is time to move on. The video's stark and melancholic aesthetic underscores the song's emotional resonance.

The impact of "Ahora te puedes marchar" has been profound, resonating with audiences worldwide and cementing Luis Miguel's status as a leading figure in Latin pop music. The song topped charts globally, becoming a staple in playlists, radio stations, and various media platforms. It has also garnered critical acclaim for its heartfelt lyrics, Luis Miguel's powerful vocals, and the timeless appeal of its melody.

Beyond its commercial success, "Ahora te puedes marchar" has become an anthem for those who have experienced the pain of heartbreak and the struggle to move on. The song's message of acceptance and the strength to find healing in the midst of loss has inspired countless individuals to embrace their emotions, learn from their experiences, and find the courage to move forward.

In conclusion, Luis Miguel's "Ahora te puedes marchar" stands as a testament to the power of music to evoke deep emotions, capture the essence of heartbreak, and offer solace to those who have experienced love's loss. The song's timeless message of acceptance and the unwavering belief in one's own strength has made it a classic, resonating with audiences worldwide and reminding us that even in the midst of heartbreak, there is always hope for healing and new beginnings.


Si tú me hubieras dicho siempre la verdad
Si hubieras respondido cuando te llamé
Si hubieras amado cuando te amé
Serías en mis sueños la mejor mujer
Si no supiste amar, ahora te puedes marchar

Si tú superas lo que yo sufrí por ti
Teniendo que olvidarte sin saber por qué
Y ahora me llamas, me quieres ver
Me juras que has cambiado y pensas en volver
Si no supiste amar ahora te puedes marchar

Aléjate de mí, no hay nada más qué hablar
Contigo yo perdí, ya tengo con quién ganar

Ya sé que no hubo nadie
Que te diera lo que yo te di
Que nadie te ha cuidado como te cuidé
Por eso comprendo que estás aquí
Pero ha pasado el tiempo y yo también cambié
Si no supiste amar, ahora te puedes marchar

Aléjate de mí, no hay nada más qué hablar
Contigo yo perdí, ya tengo con quién ganar

Ya sé que no hubo nadie
Que te diera lo que yo te di
Que nadie te ha cuidado como te cuidé
Por eso comprendo que estás aquí
Pero ha pasado el tiempo y yo también cambié
Si no supiste amar, ahora te puedes marchar
Si no supiste amar, ahora te puedes marchar